UK & Ireland SAP User Group (UKISUG) Connect 2019


  • 01 Dec, 2019

UKISUG Connect is the annual conference for all SAP users and partners, and hosted over 1000 atendeed in 2019. The Innovation Labs team was asked to conceptualise, create and host a showcase (Experience World) that exhibited SAP's experience-forward strategy after the acquisition of Qualtrics. In the month leading up to UKISUG, I helped plan and build content for our showcase, which included creating an emotion recognition feed where users can see a system analyse their facial expressions live. Along with this, I helped develop UKISUG's Charity Challenge- where attendees could cycle to raise money for Pancreatic Cancer UK. The attendee could see and cycle with other real people using the Zwift platform. With the Strava API, the cycling data was presented on an SAP Analytics Cloud dashboard in real time. With every member of the Labs team involved, the event was a huge success and received excellent feedback.